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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Having easy-to-pronounce name can propel you career up

An old saying says What's in a name? Well, not it seems there is a lot in a name so it seems. A new finding says that a name which is easy to pronounce could help one up in the career ladder. A team from Australia and America have carried out this related study and found that those who have simple easy- to-say names are likely to do better in their careers than those who have with a tongue twister name. I like this finding says youth at Fred Loya Insurance. 

The study also say that being unfair to those who have hard-to- pronounce name is not done consciously but a subconscious prejudice. "Having a simple name which is easy to pronounce and speak is more likely to win more friends and do more favour in the office. The impact is not just because of a lengthy name or how alien the name but it rather easy to pronounce a simple and straight name.” For instance Jack will win more friends in the workplace rather that Roosevelt, says John, an executive working with Fred Loya Insurance. 

"It's vital to appreciate the some biases that shape our opinions and judgments about other people. Such a kudos may aid us de-bias our opinion, leading to fairer, more objective treatment of others," the study said. As a matter of fact, study came to this finding on the basis of a series of tests to prove an "easy" name made people "form a more positive impression" of someone. Fred Loya Insurance is thinking of shorting its staff names.

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