Not many of us like networking but it’s kind of necessary for your job and business. Networking needs constant articulate attention for a long time to give desired results. In a new study known as 'Creating and Nurturing Your Social Network: The Art of Building Long-term Mutually Beneficial Relationships', which has been carried out by two professors of University of Navarra, Spain talks what networking is all about.
As per the study when there is an emergency for something like an employment, a suggestion or donation for a noble cause and it is done that’s not networking, but it is part of sales process. “As per me networking means keeping your association on even keel, says a rep of Fred Loya Insurance. As per the study real networking association is developed long before you actually need it. “For me networking means more business,” says a sales executive of Fred Loya Insurance. For different people networking has different meaning and all have different expectations from it. Anyway what does networking means to you. Is it more business just like Fred Loya Insurance guy or it is something different to you.
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