According to a
Fred Loya Insurance advisor, one must consider as to when one must buy a rental
car insurance coverage. How often you drive rental cars and especially where
you drive them are two very important points on which your decision to buy
rental car insurance depends. At time regular travelers may end up paying much
more in rental auto insurance fees than they would by simply accepting
financial responsibility for the occasional incident.
Now, where are
you traveling to and the purpose for which you be using your car for make a lot
of difference to your decision of buying auto insurance. While talking to James,
an employee of Fred Loya Insurance, he told that he is a travel freak and had
been paying huge amounts in rental car insurance until he joined the company.
James was unware
of the offering of his insurance policy and thus had been paying for rental car
insurance every time he went out for a travel. It is only after he joined Fred Loya Insurance that his understanding on the insurance policy increased and he
understood which insurance to buy and when. Although most of his insurance
policies are supported by his company but in case he has to buy any, he asks
for detailed information before hand.
Filed By: SSG
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